DJV Boutique - as seen on TV!
What a great start to our re-opening plans...
It's always a huge privilege being interviewed and represent not only ourselves as a local business but the wider community.
Friday 12th June, ITV NEWS covered local retailers getting back to the new norm. when we were featured and covered our new COVID-secure measures.
On Monday 15th June, A live interview with Victoria Derbyshire - BBC NEWS (via Face time) alongside Helen Dickinson CEO of the British Retail Consortium and CEO of Oxfam Danny Sriskandarajah - a great experience all round and a chance to get Ipswich on the wider map.
As retailers affected by the restrictions of this pandemic - we amongst all other Independents, are all depending on support and commitment from our customers during this recovery period. This exposure on TV has been amazing. We really appreciate the support and positive feedback.
We're COVID Secure
Thanks for the encouragement thus far - Ipswich, Together We Can!