DJV Boutique - is all "Yours"

DJV Boutique - is all "Yours"

Our latest accolade has been a very one exciting to say the least! DJV Boutique, Ipswich has been fortunate enough to be featured in National Magazine "YOURS" in an interview covering how small businesses like ours are adapting to the dramatic change in retailing and shopping patterns. This also covers off the resilience strategy we have in place since re-opening in June.

As nominees of the Small Business Saturday UK - SmallBiz100 - we feel privileged to be representing SME's in our region through this and honoured to be included in this fabulous feature alongside BIRA (BRITISH INDEPENDENT RETAILERS ASSOCIATION) as one of their members.

Such exposure is invaluable at this critical time, as we continue to face such unprecedented times! A positive interview and great read which will hopefully encourage more people to shop local in the longer term. See the full article on page 19.

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