Female Entrepreneur Top 100 2021
I'm honoured to say the least that I've been been named as one of the UK’s most 100 inspirational female entrepreneurs by Small Business Britain’s f:Entrepreneur ‘#ialso100’ campaign.
As the owner of DJV Boutique, my journey will be showcased alongside 100 female entrepreneurs from across the UK, as part of the campaign’s recognition of the multi-achievements of women that have proved critical to society during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now in its fourth year, f:Entrepreneur was launched in 2017 to highlight amazing female role models to help and inspire all small businesses, through content, stories and events. It particularly aims to showcase trailblazing female entrepreneurs that lead small businesses alongside a roster of other responsibilities, such as volunteering, mentoring and community support, activities
I was called out for my dedication in training and mentoring apprentices, pivoting my business by demonstrating resilience and overcoming some fierce challenges since the pandemic. DJV was also selected as one of Small Business Saturday’s SmallBiz100 UK 2020.
From beekeepers to PPE suppliers to tech entrepreneurs, this year’s campaign celebrates inspiring and resilient female entrepreneurs that have flourished despite Covid-19, with many still growing or starting new ventures.
On being listed in the #ialso100, I quote “This is our eighth year of trade and the growth of our business has been positive – despite the set backs of the pandemic. This is such an exciting springboard for me and so empowering to be amongst such influential women in the f: entrepreneur community.” It’s also a privilege to represent business owners in our region as well as the UK.”
Both f:Entrepreneur and Small Business Britain were founded by Michelle Ovens CBE, who is also the director of Small Business Saturday UK.